• Email : etm@etm.inf.br

  • Phone : +55 51 3051.5112 / 3059.5952

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The Simulator AUTOTAC EOV-126 6x4 has in its main module four rollers driven by the traction of the vehicle to be tested, which is positioned on the equipment to perform the tests required to meet the metrological check of tachograph for INMETRO.

AUTOTAC consists of four basic modules: (1) Roll Module; (2) Hydraulic Unit Module; (3) Control Module; and: (4) Manager Module. The collected data from the Roller Module is sent to the Manager Module by the Control Module and is processed by the administrative software. The results are analyzed and stored for later printing and/or sending to the final recipient.

The auxiliary equipment for testing of strokes vehicles can be installed on any test equipment, regardless of the brand of the simulator equipment installed.

The Simulator AUTOTAC EOV-126 6x4 is a robust and reliable piece of equipment and easy to install, operate and maintain.

The auxiliary device for testing of strokes vehicles, model OAL-125/5 has five interchangeable rollers which can be disassembled easily without needing special tools.

The rolls’ fastening system on the ground is simple and practical. The guides are placed directly on the ground with the accurate measurements that will accommodate the simulator after drying the floor, providing greater ease of fixation.


The Control Module is provided with an independent sealed metrological board, carefully made by skilled professionals with experience relevant in the field and elaborated to meet all requirements required by INMETRO.

The administrative software AUTOTAC is completely intuitive, easy to handle, providing for the operator greater convenience in daily work routines and audit, making time a strong ally on the frontline.


The Administrative software is intuitive and practical, performing all required functions quickly and efficiently, providing the operator with the practicality he would expect.


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